Welcome to AJamil Fitness4Life!

Hello amazing people, and a very warm welcome to my site!

I’m Amanda, an energetic, outgoing, and compassionate gal with a love for family and fitness!

As an imperfect wife and mamma of two human babes, as well as two four-legged babies that bark, I know all too well the challenge it can be to balance this little thing we call life!  There are children who require every last ounce of our patience and energy, animals who can’t clean up after themselves, spouses who thrive off of our undivided attention, dishes that need washed, laundry that needs folded and put away, bills that need paid, groceries that need purchased, meals that need cooked, carpets that need vacuumed, and the list goes on and on!

It is my goal that as I continue to find this balance in life, I would be able to share my own struggles and lessons with you, so as to encourage, inspire, and walk (or run?) alongside you!

In addition to being an imperfect person, I am also a licensed Spanish teacher, a certified personal trainer, a licensed group fitness instructor, and an avid marathon runner who has even had the privilege of running in our nation’s great Boston Marathon!

I look forward to using both my expertise and experience to motivate you in your own fitness, our life, journey, hence the title of my site, Fitness4Life.  Let’s face it – we need to be strong, flexible, and healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in order to embrace the ups and downs that each day may bring!  Why not do it together?!


Blessings awesome folks!



I met Amanda in a chance encounter at the specialty running store, Second Sole in 2015. She was friendly, upbeat and had similar training paces to me so I asked if she wanted to meet up for a run. We went for a hilly run around Wadsworth, Ohio and I had such a good time running with her that we became training partners. I began coaching her a short time after and watched her crush the Towpath full marathon that fall. Shortly after Amanda and her husband’s beautiful baby boy was born, they found out they were expecting their second child! She was a dynamo pregnant chica all through her pregnancy and even completed a hilly half marathon at 6 months along. She kept me on as a coach and inspired me with her dedication to a fit pregnancy all while chasing after a very energetic baby boy and working full time as a Spanish teacher. After she had her baby girl and took six weeks recovery, she gradually worked her way back to fitness while now chasing after TWO energetic babies! The challenges of raising toddlers so close together in age are not for the faint of heart and thankfully Amanda has the biggest heart I’ve ever seen, both literally and figuratively.

Last fall I watched her absolutely annihilate most of the women’s field at the Towpath Marathon in a huge PR of 3:21 for second female. I was so proud of her. I tend to get a little emotionally invested in my athletes and when something big happens like that I’m so happy for them that I cry. I definitely cried a little bit at that finish line! Now she’s even busier as a mom, wife, friend and fitness advocate and I know she’ll put her whole heart into this new endeavor.

Testimonial from elite runner and coach Renee Harden